Financial Info-Your Sub Title Here

Financial Info



Main Informations
Legal Entity: Photonike Capital SA
Registered Office: Avenue Louise 65 Bte 11, Bruxelles City Center, 1050 Bruxelles
Reg. Banque Carrefour des Entreprises: 0808.462.831
ISIN: BE0948608451
Euronext Mnemonic: MLPHO
Management (Updated 23-07-2020)
President and CEO: Ventriglia Fausto Maria (IT)
Director: Claudio Marati (USA)
Director: Alain Mangion (MT)
Indipendent Director: Peter Sollecito (USA)
Indipendent Director: Marco Quaranta (IT)

Main Shareholders (over 25%, Institutionals, Managers and related as by Shareholders Register Updated 30-12-2023) "posted 02-01-2024"
Homepad SA (CH): 68,14%
FFVentriglia Investment & Finance Ltd (MT): 12,26%
Fausto Ventriglia: 0,70%
Marati Claudio (USA): 0,82%

File: Comptes Annuels 2022 "posted 02-01-2024"
File: Rapport de Gestion 2022 "posted 02-01-2024"
File: 2022-PHOTONIKE CAPITAL-rapport du commissaire "posted 02-01-2024"
File: Capital Increase BoD Report EGM- English 16-05-2023 "posted 23-06-2023"
File: Capital Increase Photonike Capital sa - Rapport du Reviseur 21-06-2023 "posted 23-06-2023"
File: Not Audited Draft FS 2022-To Be Approved "posted 19-06-2023"
File: Comptes Annuels 2021 "posted 15-07-2022"
File: Rapport de Gestion 2021 "posted 15-07-2022"
File: 2021 - Photonike Capital Sa - Rapport Commisaire signè "posted 15-07-2022"
File: Bilan Comptes annuels 2020 - PHOTONIKE CAPITAL Sa "posted 28-07-2021"
File: Bilan Rapport de Gestion 2020 - PHOTONIKE CAPITAL Sa "posted 28-07-2021"
File: 2020 - Photonike Capital SA - Rapport Commissaire - signe "posted 28-07-2021"
File: Photonike Capital Sa Business and Development Plan 2021-2025 Retail Investors Release "posted 30-06-2021"
File: Rapport de Gestion 2019 modifié 30-11-2020 signé "posted 28-12-2020"
File: Comptes annuels modifié 2019 - PHOTONIKE signé 30-11-2020 "posted 28-12-2020"
File: R2019 - Photonike Capital SA - Rapport Commissaire signé "posted 28-12-2020"
File: Bilan Comptes annuels 2019 - PHOTONIKE CAPITAL SA "posted 23-07-2020"
File: Rapport de Gestion et Annex Comptes annuels 2019 Photonike Capital SA "posted 23-07-2020"
File: Bilan Comptes annuels 2018 - Photonike Capital SA "posted 27-08-2019"
File: Rapport de Gestion 2018 "posted 27-08-2019"
File: Bilan Comptes annuels 2017 "posted 13-12-2018"
File: Bilan Comptes annuels 2016 "posted 13-12-2018"
File: Rapport de Gestion 2016 et 2017 "posted 13-12-2018"